Michael Olivieri

Michael Olivieri is a graduate of Western Sydney University with a Bachelor of Business and Commerce degree in Property. He has spent over ten years in the real estate industry, gaining a deep understanding of the local property market. Michael's primary focus is delivering exceptional service to his clients, providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions while ensuring a smooth and hassle-free property buying experience.

first home buyer grant NSW

First Home Buyer Assistance Scheme: Should Investors Utilise It?

The first home buyer assistance scheme has been a topic of great interest and discussion lately, especially among investors looking to purchase their first property.  I’ve received numerous inquiries from potential buyers considering taking advantage of this scheme’s stamp duty exemption for their initial property purchase. While the upfront savings are undeniably appealing, several critical …

First Home Buyer Assistance Scheme: Should Investors Utilise It? Read More »

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